Hailing from Brazil and now residing in Denver, Colorado, PedroMeyer, also known as The Warrior Poet, is a cap<va<ng musicianand songwriter. His music is a tapestry of hearAelt melodies,carefully craBed lyrics, and rich arrangements that leave an indeliblemark on the soul. Pedro's music draws inspira<on from JohnMayer's emo<ve storytelling, the anthemic spirit of BruceSpringsteen, the raw energy of Pearl Jam, and the blues-infusedmastery of Gary Clark Jr. These influences converge to create aunique and unforgeLable sound that resonates deeply withaudiences.“It’s some creamy bu0er on your toasty bread.”Ian Gassman, Former Westword
Hailing from Brazil and now residing in Denver, Colorado, PedroMeyer, also known as The Warrior Poet, is a cap<va<ng musicianand songwriter. His music is a tapestry of hearAelt melodies,carefully craBed lyrics, and rich arrangements that leave an indeliblemark on the soul. Pedro's music draws inspira<on from JohnMayer's emo<ve storytelling, the anthemic spirit of BruceSpringsteen, the raw energy of Pearl Jam, and the blues-infusedmastery of Gary Clark Jr. These influences converge to create aunique and unforgeLable sound that resonates deeply withaudiences.“It’s some creamy bu0er on your toasty bread.”Ian Gassman, Former Westword